Chairman’s Summer Letter, 2019

by | May 16, 2019 | Chairman's Letters, News

The Element Newhaven Owners’ Association (TENOA)


15th May 2019

Dear Fellow Owner,

Who would not want to live here?  Only a few weeks on from my Spring Letter the sun is now heralding Summer!   Much is happening to greet it.   The most immediate involves a change of date.  Our SummerGarden Fest will be on Saturday 8thJune from noon.  Please contact Ken Webb, our Secretary, [email protected]  if you can help to organise it or provide food, music, games or other ideas as we make it the best we have held so far in our own courtyard garden.  

It encourages a sense of community to see families using it and children playing here and in the areas around.  Parents must remember this space belongs to us all to be cared for;  and now that we have reliable garage doors everyone needs reminding that for safety reasons the ramps – covered by cctv – mustnot be used by pedestrianseither for entry or exit.  

On 1stJune the Newhaven Gala will be held, to which you are all invited as part of The Heart of Newhaven – about which you will find other details on  At  TEF’s Open Doors Evening I explained its relevance to us and our best chance to influence the ongoing building works and the challenges of vehicular disruption.  I also made comparisons between The Element and our neighbours next door called Western Harbour and their owners’ association WHOA.    Changes in their policy will impact on us and we are working closely with them and with TEF to ensure that the aims of our own Constitution are fulfilled. 

To help this process we urgently need new Committee members and want to make participation more practical.   Our next meeting, Monday 3rdJune at 7pmis open to anyonewho might want to help but could not attend in the daytime:   there is no need to commit yourself to anything until we’ve looked at practical ways for you to be involved.  Please come to my flat (see the view above) for a glass of wine and to discuss how we can operate efficiently within your commitments.     We work mainly through email and one-to-one contacts.    We particularly need someone with legal experience and someone else who can manage our now attractive website.   At present the Committee is all retired men.  Why?  There’s a challenge!

We are facing several challenges as we follow up last year’s AGM and in preparation for the next one – provisionally on Tuesday 3rdSeptember.     The most important thing is to build up our sense of community as resident owners, tenants, families and holiday makers.   We have started to express this on our website under “Living in the Element” within The Element Code.  Co-operation will help us address things threatening to disrupt our peaceful way of life.   The noticeable improvements made over the past four years have not happened by chance but through the dedication and commitment of many people.  It is in everyone’s interest to continue that with fresh ideas and a growing confidence in what can be done in the future. 

Much will happen as we move through Summer.   Please contact me with any comments or questions: [email protected]  or use any of the following details: 33/9 Western Harbour View, EH6 6PG 0131 555 2217, mobile 07749710369, email [email protected]

Yours sincerely,   

Rodney Matthews  (Chairman)