Dear Owner
The Element Newhaven Owners Association – Annual General Meeting:
Wednesday 15th July 2015 – 7PM.
Following the Letter I sent recently, giving Notice of the above meeting which has been called for Wednesday 15th July 2015 at the David Lloyds Newhaven Club, Western Harbour Drive, Edinburgh, EH64LX commencing at 7pm, I am now writing to provide you with further information.
I can confirm that we are looking for 2 new Committee Members and that should anyone be interested in taking up these positions, could they provide their details to me prior to the AGM so that this is information is available on the evening.
I hope that you will be able to attend the AGM as this is a critical stage in the management of the development, however, I appreciate this may not always be possible. If you are unable to attend, I would urge you to complete the attached Proxy Form and return this to me before the AGM.
Should you have any queries regarding the meeting, please contact me directly on [email protected]
Yours sincerely,
Alan Henderson,
For immediate download click below links.
TENOA AGM – chaser letter
TENOA AGM – proxy form-2