AGM Reminder Notice

by | Aug 26, 2016 | News

Dear  Owner

The Element Newhaven Owners Association – Annual General Meeting:

Wednesday 7th September 2016 – 7PM.

I am writing to you on behalf TENOA committee to remind you of the above meeting which has been called for Wednesday 7th September 2016 at the David Lloyds Newhaven Club, Western Harbour Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 4LX commencing at 7pm.

I have also linked the following further documentation for your information:

What is the Committee? – Information for those wishing to stand
Proxy Form
Chairman’s Report
Annual Accounts
Auditor’s Report
Maintenance Summary

I hope that you will be able to attend the AGM as this is a critical stage in the management of the development, however, I appreciate this may not always be possible.  If you are unable to attend, I would urge you to complete the attached Proxy Form and return this to me before the AGM.

I would also remind you that the Committee are also seeking to fill two posts that will become vacant as of the AGM. If you wish to stand for election to the TENOA Committee, please email the Chairman at [email protected] with your name, address, and one or two short sentences to introduce yourself. Those standing will be elected at the AGM as per the agenda.

Should you have any queries regarding the meeting, please contact me directly on [email protected]

Yours Sincerely,

Alan Henderson.