Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Monday 15th March 2021 8pm by Zoom
Business : Proposal to alter the Constitution
In order to comply with the TENOA constitution section 6 ‘Meetings’ and Section 17 ‘Alteration of the constitution’ (add Link to Constitution) notice is hereby given of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members at 7pm. on Monday 15th March on the Zoom platform. The motion to be presented and discussed is set out below. To pass it requires at least 75% of those present at the meeting to be in favour of the change.
Instructions on how to register to attend will be sent out by Email to all members. All who attend will be eligible to vote, one vote per household, and you may chose to appoint someone to vote as a proxy, if you are unable to attend.
Proposed by Rodney Matthews (Chairman) Seconded by Ken Webb (Secretary)
To delete the whole text of Appendix 2 Constitution of the Committee and and insert in its place the following text:*
Appendix 2 Constitution of the Committee
- The Committee shall be formed of up to four Members plus Chairman and Secretary elected at the AGM by ballot on a rota basis here described, the object of the rotation being to preserve continuity of experience whilst ensuring the injection of fresh ability each year.
- Committee members shall be elected to serve for an initial period of two years. At the end of the first such two year term a retiring Committee member may stand for re-election alongside other nominated candidates for a further period of two years. At the end of a second term if re-elected such a Committee member will be ineligible to stand again until the following AGM, a total of four years being the maximum continuous service on the Committee. A Committee member is permitted to serve only whilst being a Member.
- Notwithstanding the right of every vote holder to cast a ballot in the election of members of the Committee, with multiple vote holders casting their entitled block votes, in order to avoid any potential conflict of interest perceived or actual no Member shall be eligible to stand for election as a Committee member who is a director or employee of the currently contracted Factor.
- To safeguard the pattern of rotation from being disrupted, where more than one candidate is elected having not previously immediately served one two year period the Committee itself shall determine who shall fill each nominally allotted place of two years only or to considered eligible for re-election after an initial two years.
- In the event of a vacancy caused by resignation of a Committee member the Committee shall have the power to co-opt a Member to serve until the next AGM in his/her place. In order to maintain the continuity of the rotation system, the co-opted member may then be nominated for election at the AGM alongside other members but if elected will continue to serve only for a period otherwise previously allotted to the Committee member whose place he/she has filled.
*(Where the word in this text is highlighted it represents a change from the word in the original Constitution, as indicated by the explanation for the change. Where six was in the original the proposed number is four; three becomes two. There is the no other alteration to the original. If approved, the indicated word will not be highlighted but just styled a uniform typeface)