by | Nov 16, 2022 | News

This will be followed by refreshments and a chance to meet each other informally.

All residents welcome, though only registered TENOA members who attend or appoint a proxy will be allowed to vote.  New residents and owners are especially welcome. 

Our factors are circulating their full financial report for the past financial year and their budget for 2022/23. Owners are urged to read and digest this prior to the meeting when those present will have a chance to discuss the contents in small groups and ask questions. 

If you are an owner and would like to become a member, or if you are a tenant and would like to attend to observe, please contact the secretary at: [email protected]

AGM Agenda

  1. Welcome, announcement of practical arrangements
  2. Minutes of AGM held on 29th November 2021 as circulated, for approval
  3. The Element Factor’s (TEF) Report
  1. Financial Report – Presentation of Annual Accounts
  2. Budget from 1st October 2022 Green and Red Funds 
  3. Independent Examiners’ Report and Appointment for 2022-23
  4. Discussion in small groups arranged by block will be followed by Q & A
  5. Chair’s report
  6. Election of Chair and Sectary for 2022-23 and one new committee member (see page over page for nominations). 
  1. Any Other Competent Business – to be notified in advance
  2. Handover to New Chairman
  3. Formal closure of AGM no later than 8.30pm
  4. Informal refreshments courtesy of TEF