The Element Newhaven Owners’ Association (TENOA)
Re: Annual General Meeting and
Summer Garden Fest
9th July 2021
Dear Member of TENOA,
This letter is being sent only to all registered members of TENOA, as it announces the date of our Annual General Meeting and includes details of Nominations of Officers and Committee.
We propose to combine our AGM this year (to be held outside subject to Covid regulations prevailing) with a revival of our Summer Garden Fest in the Courtyard Garden of The Element on Saturday 21st August.
We will advertise this part of the day more widely to involve EVERYONE who lives or visits here and we will separately give details appealing for help in organising that in the spirit of our growing sense of Community.
The plan on which your Committee is currently working is to hold our formal AGM first, with its usual agenda, with reports noting that no AGM was held in 2020. It will include reports on TEF’s operation on our behalf.
It will also include elections of officers – Chairman and Secretary for the year 2021 to 2022 and the Committee for the initial two year period of 2021 to 2023. To enable that to happen due notice is hereby given inviting nominations on the form attached to this letter. Any nominations must be in accordance with the rules laid down and for this a period of three weeks is allowed. Please note that the slate is completely clean at this stage and any officer or member must be nominated – with consent – in order to stand.
At the EGM held on 15th March by Zoom our Constitution was amended to make an easier demand on any who are willing to serve as a Committee Member – initially for just two years rather than three. We hope this will encourage an offer of voluntary service. It may even work out a newly elected committee member need serve only one year as a new rota will be immediately arranged. So please look around to see who you feel is competent for this important voluntary service and, if asked, be generous in response.
Three weeks (21 days) is allowed for this nominations process – only on the form attached and following clear instructions for validation. The formal CALLING NOTICE of the AGM will then be sent out on Friday 6th August and will include further specific instructions and a form regarding the nomination of a PROXY to be present in your place should you be unable to attend and vote in person on 21st August.
Please contact either of us with any comments or questions: [email protected] or use any of the following details: 33/9 Western Harbour View, EH6 6PG, mobile 07749710369, or [email protected] 32/9 Western Harbour View, EH6 6PG, phone 0131 629 2102.
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Matthews
TENOA Chairman
Ken Webb
TENOA Secretary