by | Mar 16, 2020 | News


We are experiencing a very turbulent and uncertain time when a tight, reliable and helpful community is crucial.  As members of TENOA, living here in the Element, we aim to help facilitate the building up of just such a community.

To that end, a paper where you can volunteer to help others in your block will be posted in each block.   If you would like to volunteer your help please add your name, flat number and a mobile number to the list.

If anyone feels unwell or is in self- isolation and needs any help (shopping done, dinner cooked, medicine delivered, etc) please contact any volunteer from the list. We will be happy to help!

If you are a member of the Element Neighbourhood Watch group you may also use that platform to ask for and / or volunteer help.

The list of volunteers will be circulated by email on regular basis, but we would suggest taking a picture of it periodically so you have it handy if necessary.

The Factors will be making sure the keypads and buttons on the lifts will be sanitised regularly.  But we recommend using gloves when pushing buttons as well.