Minutes of the TENOA Committee meeting
Wednesday 15th November, 2017 at 10.00am
at 33/9 Western Harbour View
Present: Rodney Matthews, Ken Webb, Pamela Bowman, Jo King, David Gardner, Alan Henderson, Evan Simpson, Simon McIntyre
In attendance (from 10.45am) The TEF team: Marc & Simone Myburgh, Christine Fourie, Jakub Swidzinski and Joanne Weir
- Welcome
RM welcomed old and new members
- Minutes of the last meeting on 11October & note of informal meeting on 25th October
These were approved as accurate.
An informal meeting on 25th October attended by members of the last committee and nominees for the current committee was also noted. It was at this meeting that the matter of a complaint by an owner addressed to the old committee against the Chairman was raised. It related, primarily, to notices put up by the Chairman at the time of the latest of a series of false Fire Alarms warning people against tampering with the Fire Panels. The main issue was addressed at the AGM, as can be seen from the minutes.
- Matters arising
The only matter arising was that of the complaint against the Chairman. RM therefore left the room and AH took the chair. Details of the complaint were noted and examined. It was decided that KW write a letter in collaboration with AH on behalf of the committee to the complainant and offering a meeting with AH to discuss the issues in detail.
JK suggested TENOA should have a complaints procedure.
- KW & AH to draft response to complainant
- Committee tackle question of complaints procedure at next meeting.
RM rejoined the meeting when invited.
- Relaunch of TENOA—Updates relating to Constitutional matters
- Membership register
- RM noted that nearly 75% of owners had registered as members of the newly constituted TENOA. There is every possibility that others will join.
- KW said he now had a complete register of members in a spreadsheet that he could update as new members join, checking data with TEF admin.
- Signatures (on constitution and for TENOA accounts)
- RM stated that he and KW had signed several copies of the new Constitution as required.
- There was a discussion as to whether or not it was necessary to have a TENOA bank account. The current account has lain dormant for a while and only has a balance of around £16. Funds for TENOA activity are drawn from the Green Fund and accounted for in that way. Last year’s expenditure was more than normal due to the process of setting up a new constitution which was felt by all at the AGM to have been a worthwhile activity. The budget for 2018 is likely to be small.
DECISION: The committee opted to not have a separate account, but to operate as a budgeted item within the Green Fund.
ACTION: KW & RM to discuss best way to manage accounting with Simone.
- Management of website
- After some technical difficulties accessing the website administration KW has uploaded the AGM minutes and committee membership. SM observed that the criteria for membership needed updating (which has now been done).
- RM suggested we need to work on own producing our own ‘Welcome’ pack to be handed out to all new owners along with the TEF welcome pack.
DECISION: JK agreed to assist KW in administering the website.
ACTION: KW & JK to work on improving and administering website and update when necessary.
- Insurance coverage
- RM pointed out the need, under the constitution, for indemnity insurance for committee members.
- There was a discussion as to whether or not to have indemnity insurance cover for the whole year or just for individual events.
DECISION: Since the only time we are likely to need such insurance was for individual events at a minimal cost it was decided to limit the cover to any such events.
ACTION: JK to do price comparison for such insurance (Bespoke social event indemnity). KW and RM to have a discussion with TEF about this.
(The TEF Team joined the meeting at this point)
- Agreeing Committee Rotation Details
- The Committee were happy with proposed rotation circulated by RM in a separate paper.
- Marc said some new owners were showing an interest in joining the committee. RM said that any could be co-opted for small sub committees, but the first vacancies would be at the next AGM. Participation is to be encouraged.
DECiSION: Post schedule of rotation on website Committee page.
- TEF report
The TEF report and financial spreadsheet had been circulated but the committee did not have time to note any issues to discuss before the team arrived. So we proceeded to receive the report.
Accounts and budget
- Simone reported that finances are going to be tight in the coming year as there have been major expenses associated with checking the cladding and other fire safety matters. Owners have to be prompt in paying £150 fee or they cannot continue to do the work.
- The top priority is Chubb’s work on the fire panels, thereafter cctv in WHM block 8 (As per AGM decision). Other matters have to be within the budget.
- The average Green Fund expenditure/property/month is £110. She stressed the importance of making sure that owners also paid the into Red Fund as well.
- Joanne and Christine are working on people who are not paying stressing it is a legal requirement to pay.
Discussion of Accounting Structure
- There was a discussion as to whether TEF should operate with one bank account whilst maintaining separate ‘Red’ and ‘Green’ Funds in the TEF accounts or to carry on with two separate bank accounts.
DECISION: Keep the accounts separate and the committee were happy for TEF to draw money from the Green Fund for Red Fund use when needed and available.
Fee Structure
- Simone said it was going to be necessary to realign fees every six months. That will be easier now that a much higher proportion of owners are aware of the purpose of these two funds.
- A general letter to all will be circulated explaining that it is administratively easier to pay into one account. It was suggested some might like to make a one off payment for the year.
Other matters
- Simone asked the committee to please read the finance report and invited us to make appointments to discuss issues.
- TEF proposed a quarterly meeting with the committee looking at quarterly accounts to save their time. Updates will be sent for committee meetings in between.
DECISION: The committee agreed to this timetable. TEF will produce biannual reports for members. Another ‘Open Doors’ evening is set for 22nd March 2018.
ACTION: Simone to send KW the proposed calendar to post on website and to which we can add dates.
- Other matters discussed
Stairwell Representatives and Communal Action:
- It was agreed that certain actions to address issues that affect residents in particular stairwells or blocks (such as mailboxes or painting corridor walls) could be carried out with the agreement of residents in those blocks, who would corporately share the costs for those actions. In order to facilitate this it would be necessary to have Stairwell Representatives.
- However, the Factors are not allowed to charge one block for something that has been decided corporately by TENOA. Nor would it be advisable for any block to make their block totally different from other blocks.
- Identify and approach responsible individuals in each block about being their block’s ‘Stairwell Rep’ These individuals can keep an eye on activities in their own block which are of concern to residents in that block. (ACTION: RM/KW with help of rest of committee and Joanne in TEF office).
- When such people have been found and agree to act as Stairwell Reps, set up a meeting of Stairwell Reps to discuss common concerns and how they can help each other make this a better place in which to live. (ACTION: Committee agenda next meeting).
The question of an agreed ‘code of conduct’
- RM was concerned about the impact on all residents of irresponsible actions on the part of any owner. Hence he proposed a ‘code of conduct’. There is already one in place for members of TENOA (see Appendix 1).
- The Committee were not happy with the terminology, feeling people would feel it was an imposition. Besides, there was no way we can enforce this.
- It was pointed out that the burdens in our title deeds are the only legally binding code of conduct placed on all owners. KW suggested posting a copy or summary of these burdens on the website, since many do not read them through (E.g. if kept by mortgage companies), or have forgotten the details.
DECISION: RM was asked to come up with an alternative term for his idea, something that would make new owners as well as long time residents, feel we were part of a community that was caring for each other’s interests.
Problems with Short Term Tenants and Letting Agent
- The committee noted that most of the problems to do with setting off of Fire Alarms had come from WHM block 8. Marc noted that another problem is the fact that fire escape doors are being kept open by stones.
- RM pointed out that, whereas 87% of properties in WHV block 9 were owner occupied (all of which were members of TENOA) only 41% of WHM block 8 were. And only 6 of the owners in that block had registered as members.
- AH pointed out that owners of properties let out on an assured tenancy agreement have some legal recourse. But there is not the same recourse for owners of properties on short holiday lets, which most of the flats in WHM 8 seem to be. There is a limit to what owners are entitled to do.
- It was noted that City Suites operate around 70 flats, which are spread between The Element and the next block. It was suggested that our committee may need to get together with the owners’ committee of the next door blocks to discuss common concerns with short term let tenants.
- Put up notices on the outside of each Fire Exit door into the courtyard saying, ‘Fire door, No entry!’ ACTION: TEF (Jakub?)
- Take copy of minutes of AGM to show City Suites and discuss problems with them. ACTION: RM.
- Set up a meeting with owners of properties in WHM block 8. ACTION: RM (with help of Joanne?)
- Try to find out which units are operated by City Suites so we can coordinate action to prevent problems with tenants. ACTION: RM, TEF.
Delineating Respective Roles of TEF and TENOA
We agreed that TEF is responsible for maintaining the property and TENOA is responsible for the general wellbeing of the residents as a whole.
- Matters on which to focus action
- RM had circulated an ‘ideas’ paper, some of which had been addressed before we got to this point. In addition to these the following ideas have yet to be discussed: Newsletters, A TENOA logo, a Helpline, emergency contacts and community events.
- RM invited the committee to come up with other ideas.
Discussion of these was deferred till the next meeting.
- Committee Modus Operandi: dates and patterns of meetings etc.
- It was suggested that the Committee members be assigned portfolios (as with JK taking on website portfolio along with KW). And post these on the website when decided ACTION: next Committee meeting.
- Copy Emails to all, including those of a subgroup formed for specific actions.
- Quarterly meetings with TEF representatives as above. (We can still meet if not all are present).
- Suggestions start with owner(s), go to TEF to discuss financial implication, come to the committee for decisions, implemented by TEF and reported at each stage to owner(s) concerned.
Marc gave a brief update on progress of the formal complaint made by an owner against TEF. This is now in the hands of the Housing Panel. TEF have prepared all the documentation that will be needed for this.
Date of next meeting: 9th January. Then a meeting with TEF in February.