Post-AGM Update from Committee

by | Sep 24, 2016 | News

The Element Newhaven Owners’ Association (TENOA)

From: Rodney Matthews, Chairman, TENOA Committee,

Dear Fellow Owner,

At the AGM held on 7th September (Minutes on the website) your Committee promised to inform you of action taken as a result of the helpful discussion that evening.  This is what we have done.

Immediate Issues

Many concerns expressed at the AGM have already been taken up.  On your behalf we have instructed The Element Factors to continue to run the everyday things covered by your payment of £120 per month per dwelling:  e.g. obtaining the best contracts for buildings insurance, electricity, lift maintenance, cleaning/ gardening/redecoration and other month by month routine housekeeping needed to ensure our safety, comfort and to maintain the value of The Element.

This will now be called:  The Running Costs Fund

In addition, because the “Critical Risk Analysis” report given at the AGM identified alarming things that through past negligence now require urgent attention, we agreed to levy an immediate charge per dwelling of £360 payable on 1st October 2016 – with a concession to pay by monthly instalments of £30 from that date.  This will raise only enough to pay for things immediately essential.

This will now be called: The Repairs Costs Fund

The Element Factors want you to contact them immediately over all matters of maintenance or repairs.   In particular, please do this if you have any issue that you think may fall under the NHBC Ten Year Buildings Warranty that you have with your title deeds.  You may help us all save money.

This priority work is in hand, with the oversight of David Bonar of F3 Building Surveyors Ltd.  He is also, on our behalf, pursuing the guarantee of our Ten Year Building Warranty under NHBC, because some of the work needed is arguably the result of defective workmanship when the building was erected and for which we are covered by this insurance.  We hope to be able to recoup some of the costs, but we cannot yet give more details.

Your Committee

We have agreed the sequence in which members will stand down so that each year at the AGM there will be two vacancies on the Committee.  Those marked * will not be eligible to stand again for a year.  The others may be nominated for (re)election for a further period of three years, as follows:

2017 – Jane Brook*
2018 – Alan Henderson*
2019 – Rodney Matthews*
2017 – Pete Wilcock
2018 – Graeme Ferguson
2019 – Evan Simpson

Each year we will encourage you and other TENOA members to seek election to the Committee and always hope that there will be more nominations than places to ensure democratic participation.
Meanwhile fresh officers have been elected.  I have succeeded Alan Henderson as Chairman for the next year and Pete Wilcock has replaced Alastair Byres as Secretary.

We are in the process of appointing members to take the lead on specific topics:  e.g Jane Brook on communications between owners/ committee/factors;  Alan Henderson to ensure debt collection from those in arrears with any payments; other tasks have yet to be allocated.  If you have any matters of concern please contact us through the TENOA Committee website contact form.  We are here to serve you.

Yours Sincerely,

Rodney Matthews (Chairman)