AGM – Further Information

by | Jul 8, 2015 | News

Dear  Owner,

The Element Newhaven Owners Association – Annual General Meeting: 

Wednesday 15th July 2015 – 7PM

Following the Letter I sent recently, giving Notice of the above meeting which has been called forWednesday 15th July 2015 at the David Lloyds Newhaven Club, Western Harbour Drive, Edinburgh, EH64LX commencing at 7pm, I am now writing to provide you with further information.

I have attached a copy of the Committee’s Annual Report, the content of which is self explanatory.  I have also attached a copy of the latest Financial Summary we have been able to produce based on the information made available to us from City Factoring.

I had intended to provide a copy of the Factor’s Annual Report, along with their Annual Accounts, however, despite this being requested on a number occasions from City Factoring, they have, at the time writing, not produced this information.

I hope that you will be able to attend the AGM as this is a critical stage in the management of the development, however, I appreciate this may not always be possible.  If you are unable to attend, I would urge you to complete the attached Proxy Form and return this to me before the AGM.

Should you have any queries regarding the meeting, please contact me directly on [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

Alan Henderson,

For immediate download click below links.
TENOA Financial Summary July 2015
TENOA AGM – Proxy form
TENOA AGM – Annual report 3
TENOA AGM – Follow up letter