The Element Newhaven Owners’ Association (TENOA) CHAIRMAN’S ANNUAL REPORT 2020 and NEW YEAR MESSAGE 2021 We live in challenging times.  As 2020 gives way to 2021 we hope a vaccine against Covid 19 might provide a long term solution to what this time last year was...


15th May 2020 Dear Fellow Owner, This time last year I invited you to our Summer Garden Fest, then sadly cancelled through bad weather. This year it cannot be held for a different but obvious reason. But to encourage you to use the garden belonging to us all, part of...

2020 New Year Letter from the Chairman

2020 NEW YEAR LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN 1st January 2020 Dear Fellow Owner, Once again I am addressing this annual letter to all registered proprietors in The Element, whether or not members of the Owners’ Association, because what I write is relevant to the...

Chairman’s Summer Letter, 2019

The Element Newhaven Owners’ Association (TENOA) SUMMER LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN 15th May 2019 Dear Fellow Owner, Who would not want to live here?  Only a few weeks on from my Spring Letter the sun is now heralding Summer!   Much is happening to greet it.   The most...